Tuesday 27 November 2012

little piggy

Teddy, the sheer volume of food you consume three times a day regularly astounds me. I am positive it is well within the bounds of normal, but wow. Wow.

Today I felt like a bystander at an all-you-can-eat buffet - I held the spoon while you chowed on down! Maybe it is a growth spurt...maybe you are destined to be 6 feet tall like your Papy - you are long and lean.

You are pulling yourself up on furniture now and getting faster at your commando scoot every day. You are up on all fours most of the day, shunting forward then getting frustrated and deciding to slide along on your tummy instead. To suggest you are active is an understatement.

So for now I will feed you up until you are satisfied and wonder where you put it all...

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