As is often the case when we travel, plans are made and in-depth discussions had about how time will be spent directly following the trip. That is exactly what happened during our recent holiday to New Zealand...unfortunately, the most well laid plans can go awry and for us that came in the form of a nasty bout of flu that laid us flat for the fortnight after our trip.
Today, though, sees the beginning of the new regime. The 'get the PhD done' regime. It sees me at my desk reading, typing, sorting, thinking, drinking litres of tea (concentration blend - so yummy!) - taking notes of what I have accomplished and what I still have to tick off the list. It sees the children packed up and off with their daddy for some errands and a picnic in the park. Hours of work will go into this thesis, so many hours I try not to think about it. I'm starting small, with a goal of 5 hours of uninterrupted thesis work per day, six days per week. I've just ticked over 2 hours of the 5.
Of course, daddy has gone and found himself another job - start date unconfirmed but we are planning for next week - and thus the new regime will shift slightly again. Days will look like this: mama up before children, typing away for an hour before the day has begun...mama on duty until 4ish, when daddy will arrive home and allow another hour to be squeezed in before dinner...bedtime routine, then at about 6:30pm mama will try to work for another couple of hours before bed (which needs to be early to facilitate brain function). On days when Teddy is in school and Eve naps, more can be done. Just writing this system down makes it seem doable and I imagine many women make this schedule work for them.
So on that positive note, I'm off to take advantage of this week's daddy daycare - while it lasts!
Much love,
Audrey xox